E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 85 (2010)
Heading Page
Download as PDF Article: Topological rigidity and Gromov simplicial volume 1
Download as PDF Article: On minimal surfaces bounded by two convex curves in parallel planes 39
Download as PDF Article: Foliations and global inversion 73
Download as PDF Article: Monodromy in Hamiltonian Floer theory 95
Download as PDF Article: Virtually soluble groups of type FP∞ 135
Download as PDF Article: SL_n (Z [t]) is not FP_n-1 151
Download as PDF Article: Reconstructing p-divisible groups from their truncations of small level 165
Download as PDF Article: Contact homology of Hamiltonian mapping tori 203
Download as PDF Article: Geometric approach to the Weil-Petersson symplectic form 243
Download as PDF Article: A characterization of round spheres in terms of blocking light 259
Download as PDF Article: Conformal arc-length as ½-dimensional length of the set of osculating circles 273
Download as PDF Article: Finiteness results for flat surfaces : large cusps and short geodesics 313
Download as PDF Article: Bounding the symbol length in the Galois cohomology of function fields of p-adic curves 337
Download as PDF Article: Automatic transversality and orbifolds of punctured holomorphic curves in dimension four 347
Download as PDF Article: The K(π,1) conjecture for a class of Artin groups 409
Download as PDF Article: Local signature defect of fibered complex surfaces via monodromy and stable reduction 417
Download as PDF Article: A converse theorem for Dirichlet L-functions 463
Download as PDF Article: Dimensional reduction and the long-time behavior of Ricci flow 485
Download as PDF Article: On the integro-differential equation satisfied by the p-adic log Γ-function 535
Download as PDF Article: Compactly supported cohomology of buildings 551
Download as PDF Article: Local-global principles for embedding of fields with involution into simple algebras with involution 583
Download as PDF Article: The large sieve and random walks on left cosets of arithmetic groups 646
Download as PDF Article: Small exotic Stein manifolds 705
Download as PDF Article: Dynamics on the unit disk : short geodesics and simple cycles 723
Download as PDF Article: The non-triviality of the Grope filtrations of the knot and link concordance groups 751
Download as PDF Article: Une minoration du minimum essentiel sur les variétés abéliennes 775
Download as PDF Article: Uniformly hyperbolic finite-valued SL(2,R)-cocycles 813
Download as PDF Article: A norm compatible system of Galois cohomology classes for GSp(4) 885
Download as PDF Article: Maslov class rigidity for Lagrangian submanifolds via Hofer’s geometry 907