Mitteilungen des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Solothurn
The Jahrbuch für Solothurnische Geschichte is published annually by the Historical Society of the canton of Solothurn since 1928. It contains historical articles as well as a chronicle of events in the canton of Solothurn. Until 2010, the Jahrbuch also contains a bibliography of historical literature pertaining to the canton of Solothurn. Beginning in 1998, the bibliography is also available as an online database at the web site of the Solothurn Central Library. The bibliography is no longer issued in printed form since 2011. Predecessor publications of the Jahrbuch are Urkundio (1857-1895) and the Mitteilungen des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Solothurn (1902-1927).
The Historical Society of the canton of Solothurn was founded in 1853. Its goal is the support and advancement of historical and archaeological research, especially with regard to the history of the canton of Solothurn. It also strives to preserve and protect antiquities and monuments of art in the area of the canton. It publishes the Jahrbuch für solothurnische Geschicht" and organizes public lectures, guided tours and excursions.
Historischer Verein des Kantons Solothurn
Title history:
Jahrbuch für Solothurnische Geschichte
Mitteilungen des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Solothurn
Urkundio : Beiträge zur vaterländischen Geschichtsforschung, vornehmlich aus der nordwestlichen Schweiz