E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 34 (2007)
Heading Page
Issue 136 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
Download as PDF Table of Contents 2
Download as PDF Article: L'éditorial 3
Download as PDF Article: L'agenda romand 4
Download as PDF Article: L'organigramme de la revue 5
Download as PDF Article: Equipe du patois de la Médiathèque VS 6
Download as PDF Article: Liste des patois enregistrés par la RSR 7
Download as PDF Article: La citation 10
Download as PDF Article: Nouvelles de Savigny, Forel et environs 11
Download as PDF Article: Nouveauté vaudoise : dictionnaire 12
Download as PDF Article: Les archives sonores fribourgeoises 14
Download as PDF Article: Atlas sonore sur internet 14
Download as PDF Article: Intrè no : patoisants de la Sarine 16
Download as PDF Article: La citation 16
Download as PDF Article: Le kà d'na dona = Le coeur d'une maman 17
Download as PDF Article: Prèyîre dè l'armayi = Prière de l'armailli 18
Download as PDF Article: Lè rogachyon dè Morlon = Les rogations de Morlon 19
Download as PDF Article: L'armana = L'almanach 21
Download as PDF Article: L'afére Tournesol 23
Download as PDF Article: L'afére Pecârd 24
Download as PDF Article: Assemblée de la Fédération - Valais 25
Download as PDF Article: Fête cantonale du patois à Basse-Nendaz 27
Download as PDF Article: Le portrait valaisan : Marguerite Filliez 29
Download as PDF Article: Lè rahé = Le râteau 33
Download as PDF Article: Lè-j-ironndèlè = Les hirondelles 34
Download as PDF Article: Dèvantè deu forie = Prophètes du printemps 36
Download as PDF Article: Lo romoâ = Le déménagement 37
Download as PDF Article: Prèyere dè la zour = Prière de la forêt 38
Download as PDF Article: Bondjo les patoisaints 39
Download as PDF Article: Les soiyoux = Les faucheurs 41
Download as PDF Article: Dialecte francoprovençal des Pouilles 43
Download as PDF Article: Invertébrés aquatiques : appel... 44
Download as PDF Article: La citation 44
Download as PDF Article: www.diswoir.ch 45
Download as PDF Article: En avoir ou pas... de l'accent 46
Download as PDF Article: La mefa = Le souffle 50
Download as PDF Article: Informations aux abonnés 51
Download as PDF Article: Un cadeau à faire : L'ami du patois 51
Download as PDF Back matter 52
Issue 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
Download as PDF Table of Contents 2
Download as PDF Article: L'éditorial 3
Download as PDF Article: Rèn dè mios què lo patouè 4
Download as PDF Article: L'agenda romand 5
Download as PDF Article: Avancement du projet patois RSR 6
Download as PDF Article: Invertébrés aquatiques : nouvel appel... 7
Download as PDF Article: Les Taignons chu les piaintches = Les Taignons sur les planches 8
Download as PDF Article: L'aimicale des Taignons en aissembièe = L'amicale des Taignons en assemblée 9
Download as PDF Article: Lai palatte de bôs = La spatule de bois 12
Download as PDF Article: Nouvelles de Savigny, Forel et environs 14
Download as PDF Article: Nouvelles fribourgeoises 16
Download as PDF Obituary: Le portrait : hommage à Robert Guillet 17
Download as PDF Article: La citation 21
Download as PDF Article: Complément à l'agenda fribourgeois 21
Download as PDF Article: Expo-Bulle 2006 : "Goûts et terroirs" 22
Download as PDF Article: Le benè = Le benêt 27
Download as PDF Article: La citation 28
Download as PDF Article: Fête cantonale du patois - Nendaz 29
Download as PDF Article: Lo ranndévou manka = Le rendez-vous manqué 33
Download as PDF Article: Lè vèneingzè = Les vendanges 35
Download as PDF Article: Prèyere dè la rècognièchense = Prière de la reconnaissance 36
Download as PDF Article: Le choulon è cha fëna = L'ivrogne et sa femme 37
Download as PDF Article: Les citations 38
Download as PDF Article: Procès-verbal du 12 mai 2007 à Lausanne 39
Download as PDF Article: Lou poure = Les mendiants 43
Download as PDF Article: Dialecte francoprovençal des Pouilles 45
Download as PDF Article: Questionnaire 2 : à tous les patoisants 48
Download as PDF Article: Informations aux abonnés 51
Download as PDF Article: L'ami du patois - Le patois à l'école 51
Download as PDF Back matter 52
Issue 138 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
Download as PDF Table of Contents 2
Download as PDF Article: L'éditorial 3
Download as PDF Article: Bonn ann a Tsikoùn ! 5
Download as PDF Article: L'agenda romand 6
Download as PDF Article: Statuts 8
Download as PDF Article: Procès-verbal, 13 octobre à Lausanne 11
Download as PDF Article: Nouveauté : "Le francoprovençal" 14
Download as PDF Article: Nouveauté : "Dictionnaire du patois" 15
Download as PDF Article: Deux ans avec "L'ami du patois" 16
Download as PDF Article: Projet patois - Médiathèque Valais 18
Download as PDF Article: L'associachon vaudoise ein 2007 19
Download as PDF Article: Nouvelles de Savigny, Forel et environs 20
Download as PDF Article: Nouvelles fribourgeoises 22
Download as PDF Article: Lèjande dè Chin Nikolé = Légende de Saint-Nicolas 23
Download as PDF Article: Grevire dè mon kà = Gruyère de mon coeur 24
Download as PDF Article: Pridzo dè moncheu l'inkourä dè Bulo 26
Download as PDF Article: Pê vê la miné = Autour de minuit 28
Download as PDF Article: Le chondzo a Basile le kurtyiâre dou 700e 29
Download as PDF Article: L'aimicale Le Taignon en pique-nique 30
Download as PDF Article: L'hèrbâ ât li = L'automne est là 31
Download as PDF Article: Aidûe Bello = Adieu Bello 32
Download as PDF Article: Le poûe = Le cochon 36
Download as PDF Article: Les citations 39
Download as PDF Article: Histoire de la langue dans le Jura 40
Download as PDF Article: Ouâgniejôn = Semailles 45
Download as PDF Article: La citation 45
Download as PDF Article: Mots croisés en patois de Nendaz 46
Download as PDF Article: A l'écoule = A L'école 47
Download as PDF Article: La mérè-grand = La grand-mère 49
Download as PDF Article: Nouveauté : toponymie d'Orsières (VS) 50
Download as PDF Article: Lè tré kolio = Les trois passoires 51
Download as PDF Article: Ecrire le patois de Bagnes 52
Download as PDF Article: Bou n'an = Bonne année ! 53
Download as PDF Article: Un processus d'évolution phonétique 54
Download as PDF Article: Réve d'ivèr = Rêve d'hiver 57
Download as PDF Rubric: Dossier thématique : maison d'école : patois 58
Download as PDF Article: A l'école des patois 58
Download as PDF Article: Le patois à l'école dans le canton de FR 63
Download as PDF Article: Sensibilisation et cours facultatifs - Jura 66
Download as PDF Article: Le patois à l'école en Valais 69
Download as PDF Article: Démarche de la Fondation Bretz-Héritier 74
Download as PDF Article: Université populaire 76
Download as PDF Article: Université populaire du Val d'Hérens 78
Download as PDF Article: Enseigner le patois sur internet 80
Download as PDF Article: Nos patois à l'université ? : témoignage 82
Download as PDF Article: Informations aux abonnés 84
Download as PDF Article: Votre abonnement 2008 84
Download as PDF Article: Dossier thématique : le patois à l'école 85
Download as PDF Back matter 86