Jahresbericht / Schweizerische Landesbibliothek = Rapport annuel / Bibliothèque nationale suisse
Access to this journal is made possible in cooperation with the Swiss National Library NL. The Swiss National Library is a cooperative partner of E-Periodica.
Since it was founded in 1895, the Swiss National Library has published an annual report. These reports provide insights into the development of the collection and use of the library as well as information about Swiss book production.
In the Swiss National Library you will find everything about Switzerland; everything which is published in the country or written by Swiss authors. Every publication, from Swiss daily newspapers to novels, from documentaries and yearbooks to official publications and geographical maps. In our two most important special collections, the Prints and Drawings Department and the Swiss Literary Archives you can find photographs, etchings, posters, postcards and manuscripts. The Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel is also a part oft the Swiss National Library.